Rhythm of Time

I preached on rest last Sunday and what it means to keep Sabbath rest in our lives. In tackling the subject, I used the illustration of rhythm. Interestingly, what makes a beautiful rhythm or melody are not just the notes played (the musical activity done) but equally important are the rests, or the ceasing/resting of activity in the music. If the ceasing of sound did not occur, then it would be just noise. I related the Genesis creation account to this (on the seventh day God rested/ceased then blessed it and called it holy) and that God has establish a rhythm of rest that we as humans, too often, war against. This warring comes at great cost to our lives and relationships as it was never how we were created to live.

What would it mean to live in a proper rhythm of activity and rest in our lives, that when working together, would create a beautiful sound scape?

One thought on “Rhythm of Time”

  1. You must have really been impacted by your own sermon because you have not been blogging much lately. Ha ha…hope you are doing well buddy.

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