My TV appearance, New Church Website, Renovation Overdrive and Missions Rethink

My TV Appearance
I was recently on TV talking about “The Edge,” our Youth Drop-In Center, at Parkview. It was a cool experience to talk about our church’s vision for engaging our community by meeting practical needs within. It was facinating to have talked for several minutes on camera and then only see two small clips on TV – but there were good clips:)

New Church Website
Our church is going through a major website overhaul and are launching our new (very cool) site in a few day. If you get a chance check it out We still have a lot of “polishing” to do and the potential of things we can do through it is amazing.

Renovation Overdrive
I been in renovation mode in our house for the last couple months since moving it, but for the next few weeks, I officially move into “renovation overdrive” as I complete our upstairs installing counter tops, new flooring, painting, shelving, lighting, building cabinets and cabinet doors. I like doing it but the pace is a bit much these days.

Mission Re-Think
I have been facinated with world missions lately which has trusted my into several books that I will post about together soon. There are:

  • Glocalization by Bob Roberts Jr.
  • GloboChrist by Carl Raschke
  • Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan

2 thoughts on “My TV appearance, New Church Website, Renovation Overdrive and Missions Rethink”

  1. Actually, the site you visited is our old site. The new site should go live early next week. It will have basic info and graphics but over the next several weeks we will continue to add more info.

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