Question #38: Silence

Have you noticed that the “minute of silence” has gotten shorter and shorter over the last several years – we even call them “moments” of silence now. There seems to be a weird cultural allergic reaction to silence that permeates almost every activity (individual and corporate). This simple observation leads to the following question:

Why are we so uncomfortable with Silence? Do you take time to purposely “fast” from noise? Do you Sabbath from active sounds?

2 thoughts on “Question #38: Silence”

  1. interesting. I love, crave and seek out silence in my day. But, planned, led public moments of silence I actually find uncomfortable and forced.
    Is this a lack of discipline or a rebellion against being led? maybe a bit of both.

  2. Good question Lee…It probably is a bit of both but I know that personally I feel uncomfortable after about 20 seconds or so. I am not sure why, but it is probably a combination of reasons.

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