Help Don Cherry, I’m sick!!!

The last week has been less then fun. I have had a fever, headaches, body aches, runny nose, and chest congestion. I have been taking Cold FX and it just doesn’t seem to be working. How can this be true…Don Cherry is never wrong, is he?

Consequently I haven’t gotten around to my Blog posts or anything else that isn’t necessary for pure survival. Hopefully, Don Cherry won’t let me down and the Cold FX will kick it into overdrive and I’ll feel like a $1,000,000, or at least like $10.85.

One thought on “Help Don Cherry, I’m sick!!!”

  1. Oh…. I am so sorry that you have it. It went through our family a while back and it is still lingering and every once and awhile it shows its ugly head. Just by curiosity, did you get the flu shot this year? We stopped getting them and started taking these super vitamins instead. They seem to work quite well. We still get the bugs here and there but not nearly as bad. My mom is a true supporter of Cold FX. Blaine on the other hand reads to much and doesn’t agree with them. So there you have it. A 50/50 chance of getting better. :<( on a serious note, I hope you feel better and that no one else gets it.

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