No Perfect People Allowed

I finished No Perfect People Allowed by John Burke and it was remarkable. The book is worth reading just for the stories of people coming to God and God changing their lives. It is not a “how to” book but it is the story and journey of what God is doing in and through Gateway Community Church in Texas. It is a great read and although Burke can at times come across as always knowing exactly what to say and when to say it (probably the inevitable result of writing your own stories), he has some fantastic insights into church – especially the church in a postmodern culture.

This book really caused me to think and reflect on my ministry. I am not saying that I would do everything he or his church does, but I think there are some incredible lessons to be learned through it. Here are a few of the lessons I learnt and things I have been reflecting on:
1) We need to learn to give people space in church – allow them to be themselves and for God to work in their lives at His pace and not our own.
2) We need to create and facilitate a culture of dialogue where people can feel comfortable expressing and talking about their thought and even doubts without fear of judgement and rejection.
3) I love the fact that they are able to be relevant, accepting and tolerant (all ideals I share) without losing their convictions (something Jesus practiced).
4) I was reminded that we need to allow people to be human again – broken and bruised, to not be afraid by that brokenness as it is much like our own, whether we like it or not.
5) I was reminded that Jesus is the one that heals and changes people not us – something we preach about in church but seldom practice.

All in all I was moved, convicted, inspired, disturbed and propelled as it has permeated by thoughts over the last week or two. All in all it is a great book and definitely worth reading.

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