Bug eyed and it isn’t over yet…

The picture says it all as I just finished two weeks in intensive seminary courses (Essentials of Pastoral Care & Apocalyptic Literature and Revelation). It was a good, but two weeks straight of being in class eight hours a day can be draining. And it isn’t over yet with reading and course work still to do – that added with the couple classes I am taking in the semester. It will no doubt be busy for the next couple weeks.

I have a couple ideas for some posts and will probably do some procrastinating from school work and post them in the coming days/weeks.

2 thoughts on “Bug eyed and it isn’t over yet…”

  1. I’ve heard of Revelation as a seminary class, but this would be the first time I have ever heard of “Essentials of Pastoral Care & Apocalyptic Literature”.

    Must be a Taylor thing…

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