Alive and Back from Vacation

Here is a quick summary of my last few weeks:
1) Finished the book The Unhealed Wound: The Church and Human Sexuality which is about the Catholic’s church struggles with issues of sexuality – specifically in the priesthood. I will write something on it soon.
2) I was served a subpoena to go to court as a witness – stemming back to the theft of our van a year ago.
3) We had a great family holiday in Kananaskis with lots of good family memories.
4) I got to see a take down of a fugitive in the hotel we stay at in Calgary on vacation.
5) We finished a five-week Family Leadership Conference on issues related to the inclusion of people with disabilities that was both eye opening and challenging.
6) I am heading out tonight with a great friend of mine who works at a home for street kids in Bolivia – looking forward to it.
7) I am now on Facebook and spent way to long online last night getting nothing done.
8) I am slowly working on a Blog article about the past, present and future of the Church that has dominated my thinking over the last while.
9) I am currently finishing reading Technolopy by Neil Postman and Organic Church by Neil Cole.
10) I’m learning Blues Bottleneck Slide Guitar.
11) Laurie and I are currently working through the first season of Jericho and have been faithfully watching On The Lot.

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