My Mel Gibson – Apocalypto Experience

Yesterday I went to see Apocalypto at the theatre. I had heard amazing things about the cinematic experience so I went with high expectations. The movie as a whole was good but it was a bit, shall I say: “Mel Gibson-ish.” I just found it very reminiscent of the movie “The Patriot” as if it was “The Patriot” transported back in time to the Mayan culture. All the graphic stuff aside (And it was extremely graphic! Although it wasn’t the most believable graphic stuff I have seen in these types of movies. For example, there is a scene where the Mayan priest is literally ripping out a man’s heart and the heart comes out easily and nicely disconnected from the veins and as gross as that was, I didn’t find it believable.), it is a cinematic experience and I felt like I was transported back in time. Like any good movie, it made you feel like you were apart of the characters lives and their fate was in some vicarious way, your fate. It’s a good story and Mel Gibson shows once again why he is a great storyteller…I guess I just wonder if his stories/movies are starting to sound the same, much like Michael W. Smith’s music (sorry to all those Michael W. Smith fans but it’s true). All in all, it was a good movie but it is one of those movies I won’t be buying on DVD – seeing it once is enough.

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