
the office

I started regularly watching The Office on NBC about a month ago and it rocks. It is creative, unique, well written and extremely funny. I have to admit, I thought my friend Mike was crazy when he told me about this show several months ago. But it has grown on me and I now admit I was wrong.

So here is my official admission and confession: “Hi my name is Bryce and I’m an Office fan.”

As with many people, one of favoriteite characters (next only to Steve Carell’s character) is Dwight Schrute. He is hilarious!!! You can check here to read his characters weekly Blog. Could you imagine working with this guy everyday?

Why I don’t talk politics in public.

With our recent election in Canada I have been in several situations in which I have had to avoid talking politics. Not that I feel it isn’t an important topic, and to some degree I am more than willing to talk about my opinions on public policy, but politics I avoid.

I avoid it for several reasons:
1) As a pastor I want people to make up their own minds about who to vote for. I have my personal opinions but they are just my opinions. There is no such thing as a Christian political party and all are an important voice in the political arena of Canada where we value free speech and democracy. As well, in my opinion, we shouldn’t just be “one issue voters.” Each party has their particular views on centralization of government, taxation methods, priorities for spending, etc, which make up the greater landscape of Canadian politics. By this I mean there are so many issues facing Canada and often people zero in on one or two issues. Tunnel vision sets in and they can forget there are a lot of other issues out there that are important as well.

2) I know enough to know what I don’t know. In other words, I have had enough experience with government (sitting on a government committee and attending a national policy conference) that these issues are much bigger and more complex than most people realize. Thus for me, in a position of influence, I need to be careful that I know the issues before I make my opinion known or if I want an opinion known (the later is what I normally opt for).

3) I love my country and at the same time I want to express a positive attitude towards it. Let’s face it, we have enough negativity towards authorities and government. As a pastor, I want to be an example of a positive outlook and so I embrace the diversity of opinions, encouraging people to be informed and involved, and most of all to vote for who or what they think is best.

4) I believe strongly in the separation of Church and State for the mutual benefit of both. I don’t want the State telling me what to do, nor is it the place, in any democracy, for the Church to tell the state what to do. I believe and strongly encourage people (whether Christian or not) to be involved with politics and community action groups, to run for office and most of all to vote. But I don’t believe it is the Church’s place to endorse, support, campaign, or lobby the government.

So please don’t ask who I voted for, and please understand my silence on matters of politics, just know that I voted in my great country as a citizen, with both the right and responsibility to do so.

Let the sun shine in…

I got up early this morning to do some work on a paper for school and although I not complaining about the weather we are having in Alberta this winter, I want the sun back in the morning. It is always incredibly depressing to wake up to darkness outside, it just makes me want to go back to bed.

Anyway, enough complaining and I should back to that paper.

In Memory of…

How I will miss President David Palmer. He was one of my favourite characters on 24 and with his death in the first episode, I am deeply saddened by the loss. If you noticed in a previous post, I turned out to be the now late President Palmer in one of those internet quizzes.

24 is an amazing show, but to be honest I wish they would have killed Bauer’s daughter Kim instead, who is completely annoying (only surpassed by CSI Miami’s Horatio Crane).

Interestingly enough, when we began watching it Sunday Night and I saw Palmer on the screen I said to my wife: “I am so glad he is in this season, this show wouldn’t be the same without him.” Then literally seconds later he was shot in the head. Only on 24!!! Although I am not complaining too much, as that is why this show is so incredible. 24 surpasses the normal drivel and predictability of most TV dramas.

Anyways, David (we were on a first name basis) you will be missed, but your sacrifice was for the good of the never predictable 24.

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.