Category Archives: sermo

How ??? is your God

This Sunday I preached on the concept of time. Among other things, I communicated that time, unlike our marred concept of it, is beautifully and wonderfully created by God and in Genesis is called ‘good.’ In the process of my sermon preparation I keep coming back to the popular, yet not completely accurate, phrase: “How big is your God?” The reason I wonder about the accuracy of the phrase is that since all matter is created by God, then God isn’t “bigger” than it. God is not bigger than anything, because God created the conceptional nature of size. God would, by definition, be “beyond size.” That does mean, even more profoundly so, that the universe pales in comparison to God who created all that we know and experience.

So…”How ‘beyond’ is your God?

Haggai: Re-Trace Follow-up (Prayer of Examine)

As part of our current sermon series on Haggai, this morning we talked about the idea of RE-Tracing our spiritual journey and how God has worked in our lives (individually and together as a community) so that we can then see our present and future with a new perspective.

As part of RE-Tracing our past, I mentioned the Ignatius Prayer of Examine and so I thought I would include a few links here:

I trust these will be helpful in your spiritual journey as you RE-Trace the work of God in the tapestry of your life, knowing that your situation is not a surprise to God and that God is calling you to something more.

As always, I hope my messages get to the route of what the word “sermon” stems from (conversation) and that they would truly start spiritual conversations. Thus. I would always invite your comments, concerns, stories, prayer requests, etc. as we pursue life together.