School is over for the semester and I finished Hebrew (Did you hear that? That was me patting myself of the back.)
Now that school is over I’ve started reading two new books: “Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham” and “Technopoly”
I am off to our District Conference today…As tedious as meetings can be, I am looking forward to hanging out with friends and of course, riding my motorbike down to Red Deer.
Laurie, my wife, posted a great Blog post recently.
My office is finally clean, it has been a while since I’ve been able to get to filing and putting some “event stuff” in our infamous storage “crawl space” at Church.
I bought five great books for under $20.00 at Chapters the other day.
The sun is out, Spring is here, and yard work has begun.
I went to Pre-School the other day with our twins and experienced all that they are learning – I was very proud! I also had the privilege of having my son read “Curious George” to me and am amazed at his reading skill. Kids grow up way to fast.
I have about three unfinished Blog posts on various subjects that I’ve been working on – I hope to finish them next week.