

Digital Mission: A Practical Guide for Ministry Online

This book is designed as a theological and methodological exploration of online ministry with the specific goal of aiding the reader in creating an implementable online ministry strategy for a church or ministry. It moves quickly along a pathway that assists the reader to understand technology, form a theology of technology, and explore its nature (Part One). The author then addresses digital technology’s potential impact on the functions, practices and structures of the church (Part Two). The final sections of the book assist pastoral leaders to design an implementable online ministry strategy that serves the congregation’s mission and vision (Part Three). The book is suitable for church leaders, pastoral leaders, governing councils of churches, and seminary classes.

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Age of Kings: Pursuing God’s Heart in a Social Media World.

We are living in a unique time in history.

Social media and information technology have given everyone access to power, knowledge, and a platform—things that once belonged only to kings and queens.

Journeying through the life of David (a king after God’s heart), Age of Kings addresses the issues of our social media age: personal propaganda, #hashtivism, acquaintance-friendships, trolls, selfies, desire, cognification, and fake news. Like a guidebook for the newly crowned kings and queens of this age, Age of Kings equips the reader to discover their true worth and identity, to conquer giants, to experience true friendship, to share their life authentically, to give all glory to God, to walk in sexual wholeness, to embrace humility, and to seek truth in community.

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Expedition: A Mast-Raising, Sail-Setting, Treasure-Seeking Journey to the Ends of the Earth.

Deciding to follow Jesus is the beginning of an amazing adventure that is much like an expedition. Like the beginning of all expeditions and journeys, there is always excitement and numerous questions. This book aims to answer some of those questions, provide some practical first steps, and give a brief orientation of what it means to follow Jesus using the imagery of an expeditionary sailing ship.

Now that you have boarded Jesus’ expeditionary vessel in faith, raise your mast, set your sail, and join with others on Jesus’ treasure-seeking journey to the ends of the earth.

Let the expedition begin…

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Recent Publishing Credits

  • Bryce Ashlin-Mayo, “A Reflective Pathway to a Digital Methodology.” On Mission: Why We Go, vol. 5, Calgary: Brown, 2022: 182–190. https://thealliancecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/On-Mission-Vol-5.pdf
  • Bryce Ashlin-Mayo, “Opening New Doors.” Connection, Fall 2021, p. 15-16, https://www.cmacan.org/resources/alliance-connection-fall-2021-magazine/
  • Bryce Ashlin-Mayo, review of Full of Character: A Christian Approach to Education for the Digital Age. Frances Ward, International Journal of Christianity & Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/2056997120927320
  • Bryce Ashlin-Mayo, review of Ecologies of Faith in a Digital Age: Spiritual Growth through Online Education. Stephen D Lowe and Mary E Lowe, International Journal of Christianity & Education, vol. 23, no. 2 (2019): 237-238.
  • Bryce Ashlin-Mayo. “Pastoral Leadership and the Kobayashi Maru.” Amrbose@Large, Ambrose University, 18 July 2018, http://atlarge.ambrose.edu/articles/2018/7/18/pastoral-leadership-and-the-kobayashi-maru-1
  • Bryce Ashlin-Mayo. “Technology’s Tension and the Church: A Prophetic Community for a Tribal World.” Ambrose@Large, Ambrose University, 22 Feb. 2018, http://atlarge.ambrose.edu/articles/2018/2/22/technologys-tension-and-the-church-a-prophetic-community-for-a-tribal-world
  • Bryce Ashlin-Mayo, review of The Spy, the Rat and the Bed of Nails: Creative Ways of Talking about Christian Faith. Mark Roques, International Journal of Christianity & Education, vol. 22, no. 1 (2017): 76-77.
  • Bryce Ashlin-Mayo “Great Scott!” Anthem, 2016, p. 29, http://ambrose.edu/sites/default/files/spring_2016_anthem_0.pdf

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.