
In addition to being the Dean of Theology and Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Ambrose University, I am committed to training and equipping future pastors and leaders.  One of the ways I do this is through teaching at Churches, Colleges, Universities and Seminaries around the world.


January 2023 – Samaritan Purse and Billy Graham Association’s Staff Home Week – Speaking on “Open Doors

January 2023 – Speaker for the Alberta-Wide Young Adult Retreat at Camp Nakamun

February 2023 – Cell Phone Saftey Community Seminar at St James Anglican Church

March 2023 – Ambrose University Pastors Conference – Plenary Speaker on “Handling Your Calling with Care.”



Fall 2023 – Teaching Leadership and Leadership Formation at Ambrose University and Seminary.

April 2023 – Speaking to the Presidents of the Latin Americian Christian and Missionary Alliance Church Seminaries on the Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Theological Education.

Winter 2023 – Teaching Digital Ministry and Mission at Ambrose University and Seminary.

January 2023 – Public Lecture at Ambrose University.

September 2022 – Presentation on Digital Missiology for the Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives in Calgary, AB.

July 2022 Forming a Healthy Digital Missiology Lunch and Learn at The Alliance National Assembly.

July 2023 Ministry in a Post-Pandemic World Seminar and Presentation at The Alliance national assembly.

Winter 2022    “FE 400 – Transition to Vocational Ministry” at Ambrose University and Ambrose Seminary (three credit class).  Required class for all undergraduates returning from internship.

October 2021 “Digital Discipleship“.  An online guest lecture at Ambrose University for a seminary class on discipleship.

Summer 2021 “Effective Online Ministry 3.0”.   A series of three all-day workshops hosted by Ambrose University (available for a three-credit class at either the university or the seminary).  As the church begins to regather in person, it is vital that it doesn’t lose all the digital advancements we made while critically evaluating and reflecting on our digital ministry. 

Winter 2021    “FE 400 – Transition to Vocational Ministry” at Ambrose University and Ambrose Seminary (three credit class).  Required class for all undergraduates returning from internship.

February 2020 Evening Seminar on “Parenting in a Social Media World” for The Plant Church in Mahwah, New Jersey (online).

November 2020 through January 2021 – Various church leadership team and ministerial group presentations on Digital Mission (online).

October 2020 – Effective Ministry in Digital Culture.  A webinar for the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada.

October 2020 – Digital Culture Webinar  A webinar on the impact of Digital Culture on Worship services for Worship Pastors in the Western Canadian District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

October/November 2020  Effective Online Ministry 2.0“.   A series of three all-day workshops hosted by Ambrose University on understanding, creating and launching an effective online ministry strategy (available for a three-credit class at either the university or the seminary).

August 2020  Effective Online Ministry“.   A series of three all-day workshops hosted by Ambrose University on understanding, creating and launching an effective online ministry strategy (available for a three-credit class at either the university or the seminary).

Winter 2020    “FE 400 – Transition to Vocational Ministry” at Ambrose University and Ambrose Seminary (three credit class).  Required class for all undergraduates returning from internship.

February 2020    “Faithfully Following Jesus in a Social Media World” at Parkview Alliance Church in Vermilion, Alberta.

February 2020   “Parenting in a Social Media World” and “Effective Ministry in a Social Media World” and “Faithfully Following Jesus in a Social Media World” Seminars, Classes, Staff Training, etc. at Stony Plain Alliance Church in Stony Plain, Alberta.

February 2020    “Faithfully Following Jesus in a Social Media World” at Okotoks Alliance Church in Okotoks, AB.

November 30, 2019    Elder and Staff Christmas Banquet Speaker for Rockpointe Church in Calgary, AB.

October 2019      Guest lecturer at Ambrose University on a variety of topics including: Social Media, Gamification, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence.

2019    “Parenting in a Social Media World” seminar at Union Evangelical Church in Mexico City, Mexico.

2019     Class Lecture at Ambrose University on “The Five Shifts and Eight Royal Powers of Social Media.”

2019      Evening Seminar on “Parenting in a Social Media World” for The Plant Church in Mahwah, New Jersey.

2019      Evening Seminar on “Parenting in a Social Media World” for Devon Alliance Church in Devon, Alberta.

2018      Panel Participant for Ambrose University‘s Faculty Retreat.

2018      One-day Workshop on “Effective Ministry in a Social Media World” for church leaders with the option to take it for a one-credit class at Ambrose University and Ambrose Seminary (Hosted at Westview Baptist Church). 

2017     “Effective Ministry in a Social Media World” at Ambrose University and Ambrose Seminary (one-week intensive).  This class helped students to understand and critically reflect on the effectual nature of social media with particular attention to how it impacts and, potentially, alters ministry approaches and paradigms.

2016     “Contemporary Youth Issues” at Ambrose University and Ambrose Seminary (one-week intensive).  This class taught the foundational skills to understand and assess the constantly changing issues of youth culture for effective and relevant ministry with contemporary youth.

2010    “New Testament Foundation II: Acts to Revelation” at Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (two-week intensive). This class focused on understanding the second half of the New Testament.

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.