
Update & Summary

As per the example of my friend Mike here is a snapshot of my world these days:

  1. Starting to read the long awaited book I ordered: The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture.
  2. Preparing to teach a seminar this weekend.
  3. Just finished an exam on Monday for my Contemporary Theology Class.
  4. Have a paper due to Essentials of Christian Education tomorrow reviewing some small group curriculum.
  5. Finishing the book, Church Re-Imagined that I started way to long ago.
  6. Finishing the book for my Contemporary Theology Class: Narratives of a Vulnerable God (interesting and intriguing).
  7. Have to get to our personal taxes done soon.
  8. Importantly, I am caught up in my TV watching (at least the shows I watch regularly).
  9. I am about 1 for 8 in Tim Horton’s roll-up-to-rim. Given the news stories as of late, I will not let anyone roll-up-the-rim for me.
  10. Started using Mvelopes for our personal finances – it is awesome!!!
  11. Just got the Church Sign put up yesturday (I’ll post a picture soon).

Just a short brief update on a bit of my life these days.

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.