The following are the linked to the long awaited online debut of our CSI: Easter video.
My life in a Blogshell…
1) I am just finishing up my semester work for school – It’s been busy (too busy!) .
2) Saw “V or Vendetta” – Awesome!!!!
3) Finished a presentation for my Contemporary Theology class on the Trinity – Learnt lots and have even more questions!!!
4) Realizing Easter has come way to0 fast and know I need to observe Lent somehow next year to spiritually prepare.
4) Prepping for our current and sister Small Group Alias party (
5) Finished filming our CSI Easter Video (It turned out better then I expected – I’ll post it online next week).
6) Finally caught up with TV and still lovin’ 24
7) I am about 2 for 24 on Roll-Up-The-Rim – What’s up with that?
8) Reading “Secret Message of Jesus & The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture” in my spare time (the problem is I don’t have enough spare time so it hasn’t gone as fast as I’d like.) I’ll write something about both once I get a chance.
9) I’ve ridden my motorcycle a couple of times already this spring and just got my new motorbike seat in the mail today (my early birthday present).
10) My son Lucas had his developmental goal evaluation meeting this morning for the program he is in and after attending it I thought, “Why don’t I have those in my life where I regularily create and evaluate my goals with others?”
That is a brief snapshot of my life and I promise to write more in the days/weeks ahead – I have several posts I’ve been planning.
Mr. Mom
Laurie, my wife, is gone for a few days visiting her ailing Grandmother and I am home with our three kids. So far so good but I am still puzzled by the mess they can make in such a short period of time. I think they have the ability to bend every law of physics. We are having fun and it makes me appreciate my awesome wife and all she does even more.
P.S. Although this picture is not of me, it is a good reminder why God didn’t have men carry babies – we would look horrific!
Church Re-Imagined
I just finished the reading book Church Re-Imagined by Doug Pagitt. This book outlines a week in the life of the church, Solomon’s Porch (they are apart of the emerging Church movement). It took me a few months to get through it (I kept getting side tracked with other books) but overall it is mediocre. It is filled with different perspectives and practices on ministry and spiritual formation. Overall though, it didn’t grab me the way I thought it would. Maybe I read it with too high of expectations, but it was a good book with some interesting methodological ideas and practices, some of which are really interesting and unique. I wouldn’t, however, say it was ground breaking or life/ministry transforming. Would I recommend it? Maybe…It depends. It is entirely church autobiographical and methodological without any real theological reflection but it is an interesting glimpse into the life of a unique church using a unique model of ministry.
Can’t Touch This
I stumbled onto MC Hammer’s personal blog. From what I can tell and from the pictures on it, I think it is real and legit. Check it out.
It’s Hammertime!!
P.S. Believe it or not I use to have a pair of stylish “Hammer Pants” in the 90’s. They were cool at the time – honest!