My life seems like a blur these days and as a result I haven’t had a lot of time to relax, let alone write in my blog. I thought, for the sake of time, I would briefly update you on what is going on in my world these days:
I am officially interning again (for my Master’s Degree) which means doing my job/ministry with added papers and evaluations.
I just finished Kyle Lake’s book “Understanding God’s Will” as part of some research – I’ll post something about it soon.
I have been preaching the last few Sundays (Lessons from the Water) and will continue into August.
I am the Lone Ranger (minus Tonto) these days at church as our Sr. Pastor is on holidays and our new Youth Pastor has yet to come on staff.
I am in the process of setting up a new website for our church with some cool technology and features, this has been a long process (the first company fell through) and I am looking forward to having it done. The new site goes live at the end of August.
We are fast approaching the next DeConference in September – I am looking forward to hanging out with other Small Group Pastors again for a day.
A couple friends (Randall and Greg) and I just finished filming a new promotional video for our Church’s September Outreach. It is in post-production and I’ll link to it once it is up on the web.
My trip to Bolivia is just two months away and although the logistics are planned, the money is raise (thanks to those from church who supported me), there is still so much to do…
I still need to finished the revisions to the second edition of my Small Group book…I am not sure how Pastors find time to write regularly.
My family and I are enjoying the summer – for more family info and pictures check out Laurie’s blog.
I am still planning my 30 books and the Bible in 90 days for September so if you have any suggestions please let me know.
I have not gotten on my motorbike near enough this Summer – something I need to remedy.
Started to watch the first season of NCIS – It’s okay – much like a cross between CSI and JAG.
My friend, Randall, and I (well mostly him) are beginning to work on a 3D animated short entitled “Handle with Care.”
I have been reflecting over the last few days/weeks on how blessed I am with the friends I have. I have great friends in ministry who I love to hang-out with, I have great friends in church who are fun and I can be myself with, and great friends with people outside the church. I take this for granted too often.
I was also struck with the realization that God has faithfully walked with us. We couldn’t have planned our situation out better if we knew everything that would have taken place. God is truly good and has been there for us through good and bad.
Finally, I have an amazing wife and three incredible kids. They are awesome and I take them for granted too often.
Laurie (my wife) and I just watched Season 1 and 2 of The Office and it honestly one of the funniest shows on TV.
I saw this video and thought I would share it with all the other Office fans I know from Canada who might not have seen this commercial on Canadian TV.
I had the experience this week of feeling misunderstood. I always try to communicate clearly but there are inevitably times, for whatever reason, that either I misspeak or the other person hears wrong. It is frustrating. I don’t mind it when people disagree with me for something I actually think, but when it is a misunderstanding, it is frustrating.
Isn’t that the nature of language though? Language is prone to misunderstanding – ask anyone who has ever spoken through an interpreter or used a second language. This leads to an interesting question: I wonder what God thinks/feels when someone misunderstands a portion of Scripture? Obviously there is a reason God choose oral and written language to communicate his divinely inspired revelation. He used real people to write Scripture in real times, in real cultures, in real languages, and with real genres. He obviously knew the inevitable problems of language and potential for it being misunderstood. Or what about Jesus, who was often misunderstood by people who listened to him with their own agenda?
These are interesting questions and ones that I don’t necessarily expect to find the answers to, but the search is interesting nonetheless.
So we recently got back from holidays, thus the reason I haven’t been blogging (you couldn’t even get cell coverage where we were at in the mountains). Anyway…the day before we left, while my wife was shopping, our van was stolen from the SuperStore parking lot. That’s right…out of all the vehicles they could have stolen they chose ours…we feel pretty special…not really…in fact it is probably because they were drunk when they choose our van over the countless other options in the lot. Regardless of why, we are victims of crime and although an initial hassle, the insurance company rented us a brand new van for holidays and we have it until our van is back in action. Well onto the van…it was subsequently found the next day when the police arrested the guys in it (I’m waiting to see it on COPS). I guess the van has seen better days as has a bit of damage and they spilt beer all over it. So we just wait now to see if they can get it in tip-top shape but until then we have the brand new van to drive around (that should get the rumor and gossip wheel turning in Devon).
As for my help/training/counseling as a victim of crime…a friend of mine told me about the website. I am currently seeking counsel from a ninja now. I have learned various things about the art of being a ninja and its applicability to life.