
The Myth of the Indefatigable Pastor

There is a myth we deluded ourselves into believing. Either is it a myth about ourselves if we are a pastor or about our pastor(s) if we are not. These myths have, in many ways, directly or indirectly led to unhealthy ministries, lives and families and even to pastoral burn out. This myth is the myth of the “Indefatigable Pastor.” In other words, it is the myth that the pastor is super-human and not able to ever be exhausted or get tired. We can believe that sleep, recreation, times of recharging are luxuries for the pastor, where in fact, it is a necessity to a healthy and vibrant ministry.

We have relatively little recorded in Scripture on the life of Jesus, so what is recorded we have to understand as important enough for the gospel writers to remember, recall, and, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, record. Have you ever noticed how many times in these recorded incidents that Jesus goes away to rest and connect with his Father?

Jesus, the perfect Son of God, needed to rest.

Jesus didn’t do everything humanly possible in the sense that he didn’t heal everyone or speak at every request. Jesus did, however, do everything that was humanly healthy, as he lived a perfectly balanced life and ministry that too many of us, as pastors, forget about and even consciously reject in our volitionally chosen busy schedules and calendars. I am not opposed to hard work, but unhealthy busyness is just that, unhealthy and consequently unsustainable.

Calling All Pastor’s Wives

I just read a post from the Blog of a friend of ours (Laurie & I) that got my attention. She wrote about an article she read about Pastor’s Wives from Time magazine and her reflections on it. I would encourage all those Pastor’s wives who frequent or stumble on my Blog to read Erin’s thoughtful remarks and begin a conversation on this subject that until recently has had little diversity and reflection. I am not going to comment on it personally, as I am not a pastor’s wife (although I am married to one), but I would encourage all of you to begin talking, writing and speaking on this subject. The conversation on the call, role and individuality of the pastor’s wife has not been proportionately updated with the rapidly changing face of pastoral ministry in the last few decades. With changing roles of pastors including multiple staffs, spouses with careers, women in ministry, etc., there are a lot of new avenues and issues that need to be addressed and I think it is vital that more women begin and join this conversation.

I look forward to reading and hearing your reflections in the coming weeks, months and years.

P.S. Highlighting the changes in pastoral ministry is the new and sometimes awkward role of Pastor’s husbands – I know of several guys who fall into this category and I rarely, if ever, hear of conversation (retreats, books, articles) on their calling and role.

Are you serious?

I heard of this real company, 1and3 Trinity, that makes a “Christian” energy drink that as the drink’s can says is “Fused with Fruit of the Spirit.” Has Christian marking really gone so far where it has its own over priced energy drinks? I have seen the “Testa-Mints” at the local Christian Bookstore but an energy drink that uses Scripture referring to “walking in step” with the Spirit of God as a marketing tool – seriously folks?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…” (Galatians 5:22-23a, NIV)

Something in it doesn’t sit well with me and to borrow a phrase from my friend Mike…this can’t be normal, can it?

Reading Update

Over the last few months I have been doing some reading for a class I am taking on Pastoral Leadership. These five books are a sampling of the reading I have done for that class. I am not going to give an extended reflection or review of each book but thought I would give a few highlights:

  • Being Leaders has reminded me of some of those fundamental leadership treasures that, by nature of being in active and busy ministry, you can forget or let your guard down.
  • Building Leaders has started me thinking and rethinking the idea and concepts of leadership development and the need for an effective and dynamic leadership strategy in church ministry.
  • Leading From The Second Chair has reminded me of my role in my current position; how it interfaces with the overall leadership team, church staff, mission and vision of the church.
  • Gentle Shepherding was a tough book to forage through. It more reflected pastoral ethics from a mainline perspective, which was interesting but it was very philosophical and theological. It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t what I expected and thus I found myself forcing my fingers to turn the pages are carry on.
  • Revolution of Character was by far the best read. I have been intrigued lately with the topic of Spiritual Formation and this book kept me attentive, turning page after page with ease and expectation. As part of our classes assignment we had to participate in a weekly online discussion (one chapter per week); it was interesting to reflect along side others and get a glimpse of their perspectives on the topics discussed. I was once again reminded that my life as a pastor needs to ALWAYS center around and be feed by my relationship to GOD.

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.