

I was tagged by Mike to post the first 10 Songs that showed up in my Ipod shuffle list – I thought I would go one step further and post the top 20….here they are:

  1. “Holy Is The Lord” – Chris Tomlin
  2. “Send Your Mind” – Van Morrison
  3. “Elanor Rigby” – The Fray
  4. “Hello Again” – Dave Matthews Band
  5. “There Will Never Be Another Tonight” – Bryan Adams
  6. “We Will Bow” – Brian Doerksen
  7. “Walking Away” – Lifehouse
  8. “Free” – Delirious?
  9. “Cannot say enough” – Mercyme
  10. “Sky is Falling” – Lifehouse
  11. “Great Provider” – BNL
  12. “If God Will Send His Angels” – U2
  13. “How Great” – David Crowder Band
  14. “Trying to Throw Your Arms Around” – U2
  15. “Thank You for Hearing Me” – David Crowder Band
  16. “He is Yahweh” – Vineyard Canada
  17. “Lord, We Turn” – David Ruis
  18. “Stealing Time” – Delirious?
  19. “Mission” – Chris Cornell
  20. “This Love” – Maroon 5

Law and Order: My Real Life Experience

About a month ago I was given the phone by my my wife with the words: “The Police are asking for you?” I thought she was joking until I talked to the person on the other end. She informed me that they (the RCMP) had a subpoena for my at the police station. I have watched enough TV to know a subpoena had something to do with court, but not enough real knowledge to understand exactly what it meant. I asked for more information, which the lady was happy to provide, including the name of the accused (not me), court date and offense. I did the detective work in my head and realized that the trial had to do with our van being stolen about a year ago (see this link for the post I did about it) and I was being called as a witness.

Well, the trail date finally came and after the confusing gong show of finding parking, going through security and finding the courtroom, I was really to testify. Seriously…it was confusing…there was no one there to help (even the information desk was frustratingly empty), but after tracking down someone who didn’t look like a criminal, I got instructions and I was off to court.

I was lucky enough to meet the prosecutor at the courtroom doors and she gave me the “low down.” She also introduced me to the two officers who arrested the individual. She informed told me she didn’t think the accused would show and that if he did, it would not go to trial as he didn’t have a case. However, as a precaution, she began to brief me with what could happen if the trial began. I wasn’t nervous until she began briefing me for cross examination, then I got a little nervous as to what to expect and the specific questions that could be asked. To this day, I still am not sure why I was called to testify, as Laurie and I were not present during the theft and all I could do was say that it was indeed my van and the accused did not have my permission to drive it – I would have thought that the broken steering column would have cleared that bit of information up.

All that said, I was happy to do my duty and in the end, the guy didn’t appear. His attorney believes he is serving a several year sentence in B.C. (Why the provincial computer systems aren’t linked still mystifies me). Anyway, it was an interesting experience to say the least and one that provided me with many stories.


As many of you may know our family’s life will be taking a major change in the coming months. Yesterday, we resigned our current ministry position at Devon Alliance Church (effective mid-September) with the plan to attend school full-time in September (for 8months) in order to complete my Master of Divinity degree from Taylor Seminary. This is a decision that took months of careful discerning as we pursue God’s calling in our lives in the direction of Lead (Senior) Pastor after I graduate in April ’08. I thought I would include the letter I read in church on Sunday to explain why and what we are doing.

Devon Alliance Church Family,

It has been my sincere privilege to serve on staff at Devon Alliance Church. It is a rare experience to serve at one’s home church and I have been honoured with the opportunity. You have welcomed me with open arms and supported my ministry and family in so many ways.

Hence, it is with mixed emotions that I inform you of God’s leading in our lives. We believe that God is leading us into a new chapter in our journey. We have not come to this decision easily or lightly but with months of reflection, counsel and prayer. This new chapter revolves around God moving in my heart, gifts and passions to the area of Lead Pastor. God has been moving in my heart for a while but it has surged to the point where we feel we need to pursue this new calling with all our attention and energy. Many of you have known that I have been going to school part-time for several years working slowly on my Master of Divinity at Taylor Seminary. In preparation for this new direction, I will be attending school full-time in September to complete my Master’s degree (I should graduate in April). My hope is that during my studies I will be able to do some preaching in area churches as well as job search for a Lead Pastor’s position for employment after completion of my degree.

I want to make clear that we are not leaving for any reason other than trying to authentically and completely follow God’s leading in our lives with passion and obedience. Thank you for your support over the last several years and I look forward to sharing with you how and where God is leading us into our future.

Thank-you for your thoughts and prayers as our family takes this step into our future and I promise to keep you apprised of how and where God leads us in our future.

Book Review: The Unhealed Wound

I have been reading The Unhealed Wound: The Church and Human Sexuality by Eugene Kennedy over the last couple of weeks and have found it quite fascinating. Speaking about the Catholic Church and it’s stance on birth control, priestly celibacy and women ordination, Kennedy, a former priest, effectively and quite ingeniously relates the situation to the myth of “Tristan’s Wound” or the “Grail King” who is wounded in the genitals and awaits someone to come and offer a word of healing. Kennedy uses this imagery to refer to the church, making the comment that it has been wounded sexually and needs to be healed.

Kennedy’s discussion is interesting and I learned a lot about Catholicism and its recent history. However, I continually found myself relating what I was reading to the wound that exists in the Evangelical Church. We, too, have often avoided sexuality, seeing it as something confusing, if not evil, and something to protect ourselves from. We have avoided this subject and not engaged many important issues related to sexuality in our lives and culture. In many ways, we still exist with the sexual wound that is uncomfortable because we refuse to look at it and pursue healing. I believe many of the sexual issues of today are more common place than we would like to believe and we, ironically, never really talk about them. This wound has not healed and we have, to our detriment, avoided the pursuit of its healing. Consequently, this avoidance has lead to continued discomfort of our woundedness. I am not quite sure of the answers, but at least we have begun to ask the questions.

Some thoughts on the future of the Church

I have been reflecting about the church lately – its past, present and potential future(s). It is one of those topics that has dominated my reflections for a number of years but has surged to the surface through recent podcasts, readings, discussions, blogs, etc.

What frequently annoys me are individuals who continually complain about the church, it’s past and present, without offering solutions or at least thoughts on it’s potential future. I also have to admit that I have done just that in the past because, basically, it is easy to do and doesn’t involve a lot of risk. That being said, I don’t have all the answers, I may not even have any answers but I do have some thoughts that I want to begin sharing.

Therefore, I thought I would begin to offer some of my reflections about the future of the Church in postmodern North America (Church as being defined as the Universal Church rather any specific Local Church). I thought I would attempt that by finishing the following sentence:

I think the North American Church, in order to effectively engage our culture must…

…begin to define itself not by it’s physical structure, but by it being a community of Jesus followers. If you do a Google image search on the word “Church,” you get a multitude of church-building pictures. Is that the Church? I think we need to redefine it through our methodology and our theology to be what it was meant to be: a community of believers.

…redefine success in the Church. God working in the Church is not evidenced by square footage of the physical building, number of staff members, number of buildings, flashiness of logos or web pages but in what God is doing in people’s lives. Let’s face it, we can get a crowd a lot of different ways, but God is more interested in changing people’s lives – bring healing, hope and freedom.

…rethink the role of Pastor. I don’t think the Pastor should be seen as the CEO who runs the business of the church. Instead I think the Pastor is the primary servant leader who shepherds the church into its God honoring future through prayer. Related to this is the fact that I don’t believe the Pastor is the sole receiver of the church’s vision but the leader who helps the community of faith discover it together.

…”invert the church.” This is a phrase I began using about a year ago to refer to the fact that we have looked at evangelism as drawing people into the church to hear the gospel. Instead, I think the church must enter the world and in many ways, earn the right to be heard. We need to realize again that the Great Commission is the mission of the church. Going further, the Great Commission is not just a corporate thing the church does though its programs but through real people’s lives. We need to “go into the world” again instead of just inviting people to come to church to hear the Good News. We have compartmentalized our lives so well that, as Christians, we see it as something separate. Instead, I believe we need to reintegrate our faith into every aspect of our lives which would consequently have us share our faith with those around us.

…recognize that church was meant to be messy. Why do the majority of Elder’s/Leadership Meetings focus on budget, facility issues, etc. and not on questions like: “Why are people not coming to know Christ through our ministry?” or “Would the community we are located in notice if this local church didn’t exist tomorrow?” or “How do we deal with X situation in X’s life, giving guidance when Scripture seems less than clear on it?” Although these questions seem hard to answer, they are the questions we need to begin asking.

…honestly evaluate itself and be self-critical at times. If I ever pastor a large church with a large multiple staff, I think I would seriously encourage the church to look at hiring an in-house scholar whose ministry would revolve partially around teaching, but also a major part of his/her role would be critiquing what the church is doing from a philosophical and theological point of view as well as contributing to the realm of scholarship from a local church perspective. I, too often, see churches dive into a direction, program or vision without really critically and honestly thinking about the theological or philosophical implications (both long and short term ones) and think we need to begin really thinking about the implications before making these important decisions.

…seek to work cooperatively. We have embraced a fortified attitude in church, that often for very weird reasons, doesn’t look at working with other ministries. We see people of different denominations through their differences first rather than our commonality – we have to reverse this. I know that at times and with some organizations there will be irreconcilable differences but I think, too often, we have focused on these differences at the expense of seeing God at work.

…see each member of the church as an ambassador of the Gospel in their world of influence. It is interesting that often the only community service/ministry that seems to count in the church is that which is done by the church as a corporate program. What if, instead, we commission people for the places they are already serving in, seeing the work they are already apart of as part of the larger ministry of the Church because it is done by an extension of the church – the community of faith.

…help people discover their ancient roots and learn from the past, seeing it as important rather than obsolete. In many ways, we have rejected ancient forms of Christian spirituality because they are old. Like an old B/W TV that is tossed with the garbage because it isn’t new, we have abandoned so many of the practices of the Church that have served it well.

…call people to deep reflection on their beliefs. We have too often not educated but instead have indoctrinated. This works at first but its eventual outcomes are like painting your vehicle with water based kids paint that when the rain comes will be washed away and most likely damaged. We must help people know why they believe rather than just what to believe.

…embrace and work through the hard questions rather than avoid them or create simple and thus unsatisfying answers.

…be inclusive to all, seeing the important contribution that everyone makes to church regardless of their physical or intellectual situations… seeing possibilities rather than limitations. In the world of inclusion for people with disabilities I find it deeply sad that the church isn’t the one leading the way?

These are a few of the thoughts I have had. This is a fluid process and one that I have been and will continue to work through now and into the future. I have incredible hope for the Church and the world and know that the Good News of Jesus is relevant in every culture, language and time in history and the mission of the Church has stayed the same through it all… I desire to be faithful to both.

Also note that these are not about a specific local church but about the church in general in North America and my ideas and opinions concerning them.

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.