
One to Three Word Movie Reviews

I have watched several movies in the last few weeks and thought I would offer a simple glimpse into my thoughts and opinions about each. As such, I thought I would try something novel and write a one to three word review for each.

Interpret them as you will:

  • Transformers – amazing thrill ride
  • Live Free or Die Hard – Yipeekiyay
  • The Contract – ssllooww
  • Rocky IV – zzzzzzz
  • Jesus Camp – deep sorrow
  • Manufactured Landscapes – we did that?
  • Borne Ultimatum – smart and fun
  • The Simpsons Movie – funny – provocative – funny
  • The Last Mimzy – childish good idea
  • Hot Fuzz – part funny, part….

Jesus Camp: The Movie

I finally mustered up the courage to watch Jesus Camp. I knew it would take a large dose of emotional and physical self-control to watch, so I gathered up the courage and hit play. I expected to be angry, furious even, but instead I was overwhelmed with a sense of sadness and sorrow.

Jesus Camp is a documentary about a fundamentalist Christian children’s camp in the US. I was saddened because these kids, 8-12 years old or so, were being emotionally manipulated and given an overwhelming sense of responsibility beyond their years. Some of the “low-lights” were seeing the kids “bless” a cardboard cutout of President Bush in a way that seemed like worship, seeing the kids being told that the future of the US and it’s “immoral state” are on their shoulders, seeing these kids being treated like soldiers (even martyrs) and seeing one of the kids from the camp have a bizarre interaction with Ted Haggard. It was sad…I think kids have the potential to do amazing things in this world and should be given every opportunity to do so, however, to manipulate them, like what was seen in the film, seems immoral.

In fact, I would have issues with what I saw in the film if it happened with adults, let alone kids…what are they thinking? I remember running Jr. High church retreats and we always tried to be sensitive to the fact that kids that age are very susceptible to any sort of manipulation. That didn’t mean we wouldn’t share the gospel message but we thought about the implication of how and when we did it.

The film, for the most part, seemed fair to both sides but in the end, I was just deeply saddened by what I saw and find those emotions resurfacing even as I write.

Seperating Questions

Stemming from a conversation I had this last week, I wanted to write something about how we evaluate what we do in the local church. But before I do that, I want to say up front that I am sensitive to the struggles of the local parish and pastors whose immediate situations are so great, that survival is success in itself.

Recently, I have been fascinated with the fact that as we plan, dream and evaluate programs and/or ministries in the church we often ask what seems to be the wrong set of questions. We get caught up with questions like: “does it work?” or “is it effective?” or even “how many people are coming and responding?” I am not saying that these questions are not good, appropriate or helpful but are they the only questions to ask? In fact, are they even the most important questions?

I believe the most important, and often forgotten, questions to ask are: “Is what we are doing right and good?” “It is fair and just?” “Is it done out of selfless love?” I think ministries can be “effective,” “efficient” and even produce “results” but in the end can also be wrong and lack goodness. For example, someone can come and share the gospel message and manipulate people in their delivery to the place where they produce results, but is it right, just,and good? Someone can manipulate people to give money in church and it can produce results, but is it good? We can view our pastors as directors and CEO’s that run great business models, producing results, but it it good and right?

I wonder, in our ministries, do we have room for things that are good but don’t produce what we would consider successful results? Are we prepared to do things that are inefficient, simply because they are right, just and good?

I think at times our pride gets caught up in the results and consequently, we assume that the number of people who come to church, receive Christ or are baptized equates success in the church. However, maybe we are not asking all the right questions.

The problem is that the question of something being right, good and just is more difficult and illusive. How do you evaluate if something good? It is much easier to evaluate based on numbers and objective data like attendance or dollars. Additionally, the question of whether something is good can also be manipulated and taken as a form of pride. For example, churches who aren’t growing can manipulate this concept to defend their situation and say that they are not growing because they are good and right.

Instead, I believe these two questions must go hand-in hand. I believe the gospel is compelling and churches need to be intensely creative but can’t, in doing so, avoid the question whether or not what they are doing is right and good.

We need to be prepared, at times, to do things that may not produce “results” or be “efficient.” We need to be prepared to do them simply because they are right, just and good. I think these two kinds of questions can co-exist but “effective” and “efficient” can never take president, or silence the voice of something being good, right and just.

I think this way of evaluation would help to remove the trappings of success and replace it with honoring those who are committed to serving God regardless of their situation. By doing this, I think it would help to honor our quiet and hidden heroes of the faith who, as pastors, don’t have mega-churches, don’t write books and don’t have speaking tours, but serve their communities faithfully.

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.