
Does Motivation Matter?

I have noticed a trend in churches and Church growth material recently. There seems to be a growing theory or hypothesis that unchurched people are attracted to churches who reach out in the community, feed the poor, care for others, get involved in issues of justice, etc. I don’t disagree with this hypothesis at all and, in fact, think it is quite accurate. However, it is the result of this assessment that bothers me.

There have been a rash of churches who are getting involved in the community, helping the poor, and engaging the needs of our culture because of the belief that it will grow their church. I am not arguing that churches shouldn’t be involved in these virtuous activities but want to ask the question: “Does our motivation matter?” In other words, is it right to get involved in the community and engage the needs of others out of the motivation to the grow the church?

I am not against feeding the poor, being involved in areas of injustice or meeting the needs of the community we are called to serve (I fully support them and argue we don’t do enough), but shouldn’t we do them simply because they are good and because we are called to do them? I would argue that even if they didn’t produce an evangelistic response or if the church didn’t grow, we are still called to participate in them. This is part of what the Church is called to be and what the Church is called to do. What would happen if your church would decrease in size if it cared for the poor or issues of justice? Would it still do it with the same passion and fervency?

Does our motivation matter? I think so. If we become the Church we are called to be, people will be attracted to it, but we need to be the Church simply because we are called to be the Church that radically loves people and shows it through everything it does, regardless of the results.

Soundtrack To My Life

I was tagged by Mike to compile the soundtrack to my life. I was surprised by some of the song selections…I now tag James and Tammy.

The Rules:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

Here we go (according to my iTunes):

Opening Credits

Dave Matthews “All Along the Watchtower

Waking Up
John Butler Trio “Betterman”

First Day of School
U2 “Beautiful Day

Falling in Love
David Crowder Band “Sing Like the Saved

Fight Song
Jeremy Camp “Wonderful Maker

Breaking Up
Amanda Marshall “Trust Me (This is Love)

John Mayer “In Repair

Bruce Springstein “We Shall Overcome”

Mental Breakdown
ABBA “Dancing Queen

Chris Tomlin “Let God Arise

David Crowder Band “Come and Listen

Getting Back Together
United Live “Consuming Fire

U2 “Love Comes Tumbling

Birth of Child
Collective Soul “Energy

Final Battle
U2 “Drowning Man

Death Scene:
Amanda Marshal “Last Exit to Eden

Funeral Song
Evanescences “Solitude

End Credits
Barenaked Ladies “Maybe Your Right

Life: An Update

It is “crunch time” for school these days and consequently I haven’t been keeping up with my blog. I have been writing at prolific pace and as a result there has been a shortage of extra words. So I thought I would go simple and give a short update on life and school (these days it is hard to distinguish between the two):

  1. Been working on a ton of papers for school. I think I have a total of about 70 pages due over the next three weeks.
  2. I put up our outdoor Christmas lights (Our house is bright!!! I am not sure if Al Gore will be happy with our electricity consumption or if we will confuse the planes coming to land at the Edmonton International Airport, but it looks good).
  3. I have been trying desperately to get through the stack of books I have for school. I forget what it was like to read by choice?
  4. I’ve watched a few average movies over the last few weeks.
  5. I am still in shock over the thought of loosing my weekly dose of “The Office” due to the writers strike. I am also depressed that they are talking about permanently canceling 24.
  6. I am thankful for my Laptop and the ability to work in various locations (my office, coffee shops, Devon’s A&W, etc), at least it provides some variety to my life. I feel like a school hermit as it is but it would be even worse if I had to do all my work in my office.

Although life is busy, I am so grateful for the opportunity to take this year and be in school full-time.

Writers Strikes Back

With my favorite TV shows on hiatus due to the writers’ strike I am in deep mourning – there is only one more episode of The Office and 24 has been put on hold.

It is sad but after watching this video made by The Office writers during their picketing (it is informative and quite funny), I understanding their point. I just hope the strike will be over soon because I am NOT going to watch reality TV…I’m NOT!!! Unless, of course, they bring back “Fear Factor” (just kidding).

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.