
Questions: An Introduction

I want to make the year 2008 the year of refection – through questions. I am convinced that we do not ask enough good questions and spend time reflecting on them. Therefore, I will attempt to post a question a day when possible with some thoughts and, depending on the question, some potential answers. My desire is to engage in some deeper reflection on life, ministry, theology, etc.

I invite you to join me in this process by reading, commenting, agreeing, disagreeing, and engaging me throughout. I desire this to be more communal than blogs often allow. In essence, this is an experiment, so here we go…

Update, break and early resolutions

Now that finals are over I wanted to give a brief update on life and then break till after Christmas with a plan for a New Years resolution of daily blog postings of sorts. First the update:

  1. Finished the fall semester and think I did well.
  2. I am looking forward to taking a couple weeks off until I have to begin the pre-work for classes in January.
  3. I found out recently that I am going to Vancouver in March as Taylor’s representative for the 2008 Canadian Theological Students Conference. This should be more than interesting, given the topic and speakers.
  4. We are going on a family road trip to Saskatchewan in February as I am taking one more class at Briercrest. Laurie and the kids are going to come with me this time and visit friends in Regina.
  5. Christmas shopping is almost done – the craziness is almost over.
  6. I am very proud of my kids at their Christmas concerts – they were awesome.

In terms of my New Years blogging resolution, I think I am actually going to try and post a question a day with some of my thoughts about it. I get the sense that we don’t ask enough good questions about things and want to grow in that area. I think it will be easy enough to do each day…watch for it beginning January 1st.

Have a great Christmas season.

The Post-Semester Reading Update

I thought this picture would give you a quick update on my reading over the last couple months. Because of the amount of reading I’m doing, I do not have time to blog about the specific books I have read. Therefore, this picture will have to suffice. The crazy reading schedule isn’t over yet as my books for next semester have already begun to arrive in the mail. The new stack is at least as big as the stack in the picture.

Kiva – Loans that change lives

Kiva - loans that change lives

I recently became aware of this great non-profit organization (Kiva.org) that matches people in need from around the world with micro-loans from people who can afford to loan as little as $25US. It is a great organization with a unique model.

I would encourage you to check it out and consider loaning someone some much needed funds to better their life. It is fun, easy and unlike many organizations, the people in need get 100% of the money you loan them.

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.