
Another Facebook Prediction

As Facebook forges ahead into the undiscovered social media landscape, it has and will continue to push boundaries on many levels affecting and shifting culture as a result.  Consider the cultural change to online pictures and privacy in the last couple of years.  It was only a couple of years ago when people were concerned about people seeing images of their children on Facebook and they initially refused to post them.  This privacy concern emerged again with the addition of the GPS tagging and location sharing.  It was considered an invasion of privacy at first and now has been adopted into our collective and ubiquitous use.

Inevitably, the next stage of this development is what I call: “auto-tagging.”  I predict that Facebook will soon release a software upgrade allowing face recognition to automatically tag your pictures based on the facial profiles of your friends.  This technology already exists on a consumer level with Apple’s iPhoto and it will be inevitably utilized by Facebook in the near future.

In fact, you may have recognized this already beginning to develop.  Still in its infancy, it is already utilized by Facebook.  Just try tagging someone.  When you place your cursor over the image, Facebook already can identify what is a face and what is not.  The next inevitable evolutionary step is to utilize facial recognition software and “auto-tag,” saving the user time and effort.

People will, as they always do, cry foul at first; however, people will, as they always do, eventually accept it and welcome it into their ubiquitous social media experience.

This reality highlights the cultural shift that is occurring regarding our concepts and perceptions of privacy.  In people’s desire to narrate their lives with social media and mobile technology, privacy is being eroded into the public sphere.  As more and more of our lives are lived online with open transparency, it is creating sweeping cultural impact and societal change.

In the pre-digital age, people longed to be wealthy and famous, living public lives on a public stage, but this is changing and so will people’s desires.  As the future unfolds and privacy erodes for the average citizen, people will desire what only the wealthy and select few will be able to experience – privacy.

A shift is occurring and privacy is experiencing a tipping point.

Loving Others And Caring For The Planet

The following article was also published in The Vermilion Standard.

The colours of Fall are everywhere, reminding us of the beauty of the world in which we live. The world is phenomenal, the diversity of ecology and the majesty of landscapes are breathtaking. This world is our home, a home we are not only blessed by God to live in but also to steward and care for. For whatever reasons, Christians do not have the greatest track record with caring for or stewarding the beautiful creation we call home. I want to share three biblical reasons why humanity should care for the environment.

First, Jesus called His followers to love God with all they are and to love their neighbours as themselves (Matthew 22:39). As such, since our world is a finite resource, we need to be sure that what we consume personally is not beyond what is possible for the rest of world, our neighbours on planet earth. In other words, we can’t consume all of the resources at the expense of someone else’s well being, whether that person is on the other side of the planet or a future generation. The biblical call to love our neighbour beacons us to use the earth resources with concern for all people and for future generations. The fact is, at our current rate of consumption in North America, driven by our insatiable appetite to consume, we would need several earths for the entire planet to live as we do. Encouragingly, technology is rapidly evolving. Through sustainable energy, new food production techniques and greater medical care, the ability for everyone on the planet to eat and live with a comfortable and sustainable lifestyle is on the horizon. This does not diminish the need for us to recognize the impact our current lifestyles are having, but it does give us hope for the future.

Secondly, the Bible teaches that the whole earth is God’s (Psalm 24:1), entrusted to us rather than seen as ours to use as we selfishly desire. Scripture clearly teaches here that the world is not ours but God’s and we should treat it as His. The Bible also teaches in the first chapter of Genesis (first book of the Bible) that God gave humanity the role to steward and care for creation.

Thirdly, we are constantly commanded to be good stewards in Scripture. This can extend to our finances, our time, our talents and our resources but surely it also extends to the limited resource of the earth. As such, we should be concerned with how our resources are stewarded and, consequently, Christians should be the first ones to care for the planet and steward God’s creation.

I am not saying this as someone who does all this well. I am challenged with how to consistently live this out in my life, but it is something that I am becoming increasingly concerned about as I reflect on the impact of my choices on those around me, as well as the legacy I am leaving for my children and future generations. This is an area we should be concerned with, an area we should be aware of, and an area where followers of Jesus should be seen as advocates and change agents in our world.

God Looks At The Heart

This article was also publish in the The Vermilion Standard.

I am currently [this was written two weeks ago but just published today] in the middle of helping out at Parkview Alliance Church’s Vacation Bible School – a week long kid’s program filled with Bible stories, games, music, crafts and lots of fun.  The Bible memory verse for one of the days came from 1 Samuel 16:7 that says:

“…The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  

Although this verse was written thousands of years ago, it is equally true today.  Think of this verse in our present-day culture.  Perhaps a contemporary way of translating that verse would be:

“…The Lord does not look at the things people look at.  People look at your Facebook Timeline but God looks at your heart.”  

We have always been about perception and outward appearance.  It manifests differently in different cultures at different times.  In some cultures, as is the case in the context of the Bible verse, it is physical appearance that can take precedence over the heart.  In other cultures, socio-economic appearances can take center stage at the heart’s expense.  In our culture today, where we are increasingly living our lives through social media in an online virtual world, it has predictably manifested itself here as well through Facebook status updates.  No matter what culture or time, this reality has been a struggle for humanity.

We all have personal experience with this in our daily lives.   We all know that the exterior we show does not always match the interior of our lives.  Our smile can often mask deep pain and our dress can often mask deep hurt.  God knows this and calls us to something better.  God calls us to examine others and ourselves not by outward appearance (which can be deceiving) but by the heart.

This reality is true in our personal lives.  How often do you believe, subtly but powerfully, that God looks at your outward appearance rather than at your heart?  How often do you judge others based on outward appearances (either positively or negatively) instead of looking at their heart?

Remember: “…The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Social Media Church Podcast

Last week, I had the privilege of being on the Social Media Church Podcast with DJ Chuang.  We had a great conversation about the effectual nature of social media and how it is/will effect preaching.  It was great talking with DJ and, subsequently, with members of his audience via Twitter.  I sense a healthy and growing awakening around this conversation, affirming my direction for my doctoral dissertation and further writing and research around this topic.

If you are interested in the conversation I had with DJ, I’d encourage you to visit the Social Media Church Site and listen to it there.  Even better, leave a comment on their site and start a conversation around this topic.  I would love to hear what you are thinking and practicing.

A Marriage Full-Court PRESS

This article was also publish in the The Vermilion Standard.

In a recent sermon at Parkview Alliance Church, I spoke about marriage and the need for married couples to actively pursue a healthy marriage.  Marriage, like a healthy garden or a crop, needs to be tended regularly to be healthy.   Unlike popular thought, healthy marriages don’t occur spontaneously but take constant hard work and diligent effort.  To help people reflect upon and apply this in their lives, I came up with the concept of a Marriage “Full-Court P.R.E.S.S.”

As a former competitive basketball player, I am familiar with the need for good defense at times when the game gets close and the pressure mounts. When this is the case, the most common, and arguably, the best course of action is a full-court press.   I want to take that metaphor and use it in the context of marriage, suggesting the following five practices (not comprehensive) that can aid in producing a healthy marriage.

The Full-Court Marriage P.R.E.S.S.:

  • Pray Together.  Prayer is the intimate conversation, existing within relationship, between humanity and an Almighty God, made possible through Christ.  At the heart of prayer is intimacy.  It is impossible to have a healthy prayer life without being open and honest with God.  If you pray with your spouse, not only will you grow in your relationship with God but also with your spouse as you share intimately together and before God.  If you are going through difficulties, try praying together!  Invite Christ in to your situation and your struggle and see what God will do.  Recognize that if things are difficult in your marriage, this will be the last thing you will want to do but I would argue, for a variety of reasons, that it is also the most important thing you can do together and for each other!
  • Recreation.  This is a simple and often neglected part of a healthy marriage.  You need to have fun with your spouse.  It is hard to be angry and annoyed with each other when you are having fun together.  It is an important part of growing intimacy together and enjoying life with one another.  Find an activity you both enjoy and do it together!
  • Extend Forgiveness.  Admittedly, it is difficult to extend forgiveness in big things but it is easier to do so when you have extended it in small things.  Do not do what is called “Gunny Sacking;” in other words, do not hold on to things until they blow up and unloading all your carried grievances at one time.  Instead, seek and extend forgiveness often!  This is why the Bible says we are not supposed to let the sun go down on our anger (Ephesians 4:26).  Extend and offer forgiveness frequently! 
  • Say “thank-you” & “I love you” lots.  This seems simple and is frequently stated but it is also absolutely true and foundational to a good marriage.  You can’t say it too often and you need to find different ways of expressing it (words, gifts, cards, physical affection, time, etc.).
  • Seek Help.  A common mistake many couples make when things get rough, when something bad happens, or when communication begins to break down is that they delay getting help until it is the last resort.  Don’t make this mistake!  Seek help from a pastor, mentor, or counselor before things get worse.  Remember, the process of counseling is confidential and the counselor is an advocate for your health and success!

Jesus affirmed the teaching that, in marriage, two people become one. In marriage the husband and wife leave their families and join together in a life long commitment together.  This is a commitment that takes work as couples P.R.E.S.S. themselves, with God’s help, towards health and vitality.  Whether your marriage is good or struggling, put on a full-court P.R.E.S.S. and experience a healthy marriage together.  Remember, a common enemy of a great marriage is a good one.  Don’t settle for good, P.R.E.S.S. on towards great.

Connecting the dots of culture, technology, faith, ministry, mission and life.