For the last two years my friends (Greg and Randall) and I have done an introduction video for our Sunday Morning Easter Service (click here for last years). This year’s theme was “Capturing the Meaning of Easter” so we came up with several ideas.
With each video we do we always comment on how complex they have gotten with scripts, props, lighting, etc. This time we even utilized a leica reel (I included the link for that as well). If nothing else, it was fun and I think it really added to the morning service. Hats off to Greg and Randall for all their work on this and every video we do – it is always fun and they are great friends.
Several of you emailed and told me that you couldn’t access the Post-Bolivia file in QuickTime format. As a result, I re-rendered it as a wmv file and you can download it here:
My friend Greg, my Dad, Coco (my Dad’s horse) and I made a promotional video for our annual Church Christmas Drama and Café this year entitled “Country Christmas.” I thought I would share the video with you.
The following are the links to my Bolivia Video that I showed on Sunday in Church. The trip was amazing and there are so many things I could say but since a picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words I thought the video would suffice. Here are the links in a number of formats:
Over the last month Randall, Greg and I have been working on this promotional video for our Fall Family Sunday at Church (it’s now an antipated yearly production). This is the video as shown in church this last week.
This is the link for the video (25 megs): download here
It was a lot of fun to do and I only wish we had outtakes recorded. Randal’s “Ohhhh Cleopatra” took a few takes to get an “appropriate” sound and we both messed up lines like crazy. Kudos go mainly to Randal for the voice and 3D animation of Bruno – he spent a ton of time dong the post-production/animation – his creative genius always amazes me. Although I am the on screen anti-talent, Greg and Randal did most of the work. They are great friends and I thoroughly enjoy working on these projects with them. Honestly…it’s just fun to hang-out.
As a side note, Nathanial and Sydney have started to use Bruno’s phrase: “See ya later cupcakes.” It was cute for a while but after the twentieth time in less than accurate usage it is getting rather annoying.