Category Archives: Uncategorized
The End
Well…after some reflecting, I have decided to end my blogging journey. I have nothing against the blogging world and will possibly consider doing it again in the future, but I just don’t have the passion and desire anymore. I started blogging as an outlet for a lot of what I was thinking. It was great because, at the time, I had a lot in the inlet world and not many outlets. As a natural communicator, blogging was a logical and healthy direction. But a lot has changed in the last year and I have found that my new reality has reversed my former need. I have now found that life and ministry have become heavy on the outlet and light on the inlet and thus, I need to reverse, or at least balance, that flow in my life. Consequently, my blogging time has ended and I will soon just be a visitor to the blogosphere.
Cheers and thanks for reading.
Graduation Invitation
I don’t have enough official invitations to send out to everyone, so I thought I would post a digital copy of the invite on my blog and do an open invitation to my Graduation on May 4th.
Major Update: The Most…
It has been a while since I have posted and thanks for being patient. I have been sick over the last week, which has led me to focus on only what I needed to do in order to survive. But I am better now and have a lot to update you on, including:
- The Most Exciting: As on June 1st, I will be the Lead Pastor of Parkview Alliance
Church in Vermilion, AB. We are really excited about our next ministry and our new church family. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us as we discerned God’s direction.
- The Next Most Exciting: We purchased a home in Vermilion that is in a great location and is big enough for our family – this is a huge answer to prayer.
- The Most Challenging: School is crazy busy but I am on the homestretch with 6 weeks left in the semester. I think I have something like 100 pages of papers to write and I am not sure how they are all going to get done. Better said, I am not sure how good they are going to be.
- The Most Experiential: My trip to Vancouver (The
Vancouver School of Theology) for the Canadian Theological Student’s Conference. I meet tons of new people from across the country and from diverse denominational backgrounds. Among the highlights for me were: conversing with people, the trip and tour of a Catholic Monastery in Mission, BC, our trip to Downtown East-side Vancouver (we toured two different churches and heard them describe their unique approach to their ministry, we had lunch with some street people, and we visited some organizations in the area as we walked around in small groups), going to the historic Vancouver meeting of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Residential Schools (it was profound on so many levels). In all, it was busy, relational, experiential, challenging and profound. I am so thankful I was given the opportunity to go and represent my seminary at this ecumenical event.
- The Most Frivolous: We now have TiVo and it is awesome!!! It has revolutionized the way we watch TV.
I will be back Monday continuing the question a day series.
I have been meaning to write a post since my trip to Vancouver (which was awesome) but I have been sicker than a dog for the last few days (today included). I haven’t forgot about the blogging world but at this point I am just focusing on what I have to do to survive.