It has been a while since I have posted. I have some intelligent blog posts in the making but for now I thought I should just give you a quick update on my life:
- I’ve read a number of books that I have haven’t gotten around to doing any sort of blog
reviews for including: “Technopoly,” “Politics of Meaning,” “Good to Great,” “Courageous Leadership” and I’m sure I’ve forgotten some others.
- I’ve watch some good and not so good movies. On the good side, I’ve seen “Live Free and
Die Hard” and “Transformers.” On the bad side, I’ve seen “The Contractor.” There are many in betweens but “The Contractor” (staring Wesley Snipes – yes, he is still making movies) is so bad that nothing in recent memory even comes close.
- I’ve begun doing some prep work for a leadership class I’m taking in September and I’m now officially over my head in work for an “External Studies” class on the Theology of Martin Luther. It doesn’t seem right to be doing homework in the summer.
- I had the privilege of preaching at the Baptist church in town a couple of weeks ago. It was an honor, privilege and loads of fun to bring God’s Word to them. Incidentally, I am also preaching at Regency Christian Church in town in August.
- We had good friends over last week which brought a spark back into my life in a way that only good friendships can. Miss you guys:).
- I am pumped about a road trip planned with two of my best friends for a few days next week. I am pumped…did I say that already.
- I have been busy at church as I conclude my ministry…leaving is always a weird feeling full of mixed emotions.
- I am also excited to begin filming the next, and sadly, final promo/intro video to our church’s fall kick-off. We (RGB Productions) have some great ideas this time. They are always fun to make, even if no one else finds them amusing.
- It has been crazy hot lately and I don’t want to complain but it’s too hot…my office at the end of the day gets to 29 degrees with no air flow.
- My son Nathanial turns 7 this weekend…where has time gone???