With our family being sick with the flu over the last week or so there hasn’t been time for things like blogging. I have some great ideas for articles and have begun to work on some but they have been slower going as of late. So I though I would do a list of some things I have been up to over the last while:
- Two friends and I are preparing for our next Church Easter Video. We are in the process of finishing the script and story-boarding the video (Lyca Reel).
- I have been asked to speak to a bunch of social workers at a government function this week.
- I am anticipating in our third Small Group Pastor’s DeConference next week. All our previous DeConferences have been great and this is looks like it will be no different.
- I am going a bit crazy with Hebrew. I am taking a Biblical Hebrew class on Tuesday nights and it has been challenging and interesting. The Hebrew language is challenging in many ways including: lack of vowels, right to left, completely different characters than English, there are no spaces between words, etc..
- Believe it or not, I had a planning meeting for Christmas last week…that was bizarre. It is always good to plan in advance, but to think of Christmas at the start of Spring is bizarre.
- My kids are now into Pirates…so Nathanial (my oldest) was walking around the house saying “Rrrrrr….Scurvy….” It was rather hilarious!
- I am reading “Free of Charge” but Miroslav Volf and it thrown my concept of “giving” for a bit of a loop (in a good way). It has challenged my thinking. It is always good to read a book that continues to come back to mind through out the regular routines of life. I will write something in greater detail once I am finished.
- I have been listening to “The Fray”
over the last couple weeks and they have fast become my favorite new band. If you haven’t checked them out, you should give them a listen.
Gee..you’ve been busy! Gonna add Christmas shopping to that list?? hehe
Good choice with The Fray. I’ll try to send you a link with some sweet sounding acoustic stuff by them.