Mike tagged me and so I thought I would therefore list five things you probably don’t know about me…1) I love naps, hate mornings and live for late nights…although the late nights and naps probably go hand-in-hand.
2) I am a trained percussionist who played in a college Stomp-like percussion ensemble while in high school.
3) Related with #2, I traveled to Europe with the Canadian Honor Band in high school.
4) I watch too much TV…not so much movies anymore, as I agree with others that we have hit another Golden Age of Television with shows like: The Office, 24, Prison Break, Hero’s, House, etc.5) With help from my uncle and dad, while in high school and college, I fully restored a 1962 Chevy II to original condition.
Do you know why you watch more TV than movies? It’s because fewer and fewer people are able to appreciate a good crappy movie these days.
By the way, did you notice that AVP2 is coming out?
Maybe we’ll have to a plan a roadtrip to watch AVP2. Although that would mean I’ll have to dust off my AVP1 DVD – it’s part of my “Moses DVD collection.”