
I was reminded today at a combined evangelical church service, that our local church was a part of, that the body of Christ is so diverse. Often times I think I get use to worshipping with people much like myself and in many ways get caught up in the comfort or normalcy of doing things a certain way. It is good to gather together with others of different denominations, worship styles, theological bents, etc. It is good to see different expressions of worship, the music done a certain way, the sermon preached and scripture applied a particular way, etc. It isn’t that I would adopt all those things or that I even agree with them, but I think in many ways there is an important discipline of tolerance being practiced. I need to be reminded that my way of seeing and doing things isn’t the only way, or perhaps not even the right way. For these reasons, along with others, I think those times are good experiences for the body of Christ and in many ways necessary for its growth and health.

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