Infinite Complacency

This post will also be published in The Vermilion Standard.

I want to introduce two new phrases into your vocabulary.  The first is “infinite complexity.”  This phrase refers to the complexity of our natural world and its seemingly infinite complex nature.  Whether it is the complexity of the macro or the micro, our natural world is intricately complex.  It seems that the more we understand the universe in its immense size and structure, the more infinitely complex it appears.  Additionally, the more we understand about the micro nature of the human body, biology, DNA, etc., the more infinitely complex it appears.  Our world bears the traits of seemingly infinite complexity that heralds an infinitely complex creator.

The second phrase is “infinite complacency” referring to humanity’s seemingly infinite desire for complacency.   We don’t like change!  People who say they like change typically like change in areas they don’t mind changing, but when change strikes something they love or desire, they definitely do not welcome it.  Humanity, in different degrees, doesn’t like change.  The challenge with this universal trait is that we can become complacent.

Consider the act of buying a used vehicle.  There are things you will instantly notice that you will want to change.  For example, a knob that doesn’t work, a speaker that is intermittent, etc.  The very things that you, as the new vehicle owner, can’t stand and demand your immediate attention are the very things that someone else was comfortable with and grew complacent about.

This reality extends to all life.  It extends to our physical health, our emotional wellbeing, our marriages, our families, our careers, and, yes, even our spiritual lives.

We are all tempted to get stuck in the infinite complacency of life and the routines that, although they may be unhealthy, unfruitful, and unproductive, we continue nonetheless because we are inherently complacent.

I want to challenge you out of the infinite complacency of life that you have been drawn into.  I want to encourage you out of the ruts that years of regularity have formed and create healthy disturbances, rocking yourself out of unhealthy complacency.

Consider the unique skill of getting unstuck from the snow in a Canadian winter.   The skilled and controlled rocking of a vehicle creates the disturbance needed to help release it from snow’s icy grip.  The same is true of life, we need to take time and consider our situation, recognize we may be stuck and slowly and steadily rock ourselves out of that complacency.

To do this, I want to suggest that you consider reflecting on your life and asking the following questions:

  1. If you were to look at your family, marriage, health, emotional state, spiritual life, etc. from the perspective of an outsider, what would you see? 
  2. If you had a friend whose life looked exactly like yours, what advice would you give them?  Should you consider taking your own advice?
  3. If you were to change one thing about your family, health, emotional state, spiritual life, what would it be?
  4. Do you live life with purpose, meaning, and freedom?  Are you trapped by guilt, shame, or other people’s perceptions?

Then, consider one small thing that you can do to begin to rock yourself free.  Begin small and move yourself out of the grasp of complacency that may have you trapped.

This process is helpful in all areas of your life, but it is especially beneficial in your spiritual life.  When you consider your life’s purpose, your relationship with God, and your life, where are you?  Are you stuck in complacency or are you moving towards vibrancy?

There is a story in the Bible of Jesus meeting a woman at a well (where ancient people would go daily for water) who was stuck in complacency (John 4).  The woman’s life was a shameful mess and Jesus met her at a well and offered her a way out of her complacent shameful life.  Jesus offered the woman what he offers all who meet him, living water—forgiveness, freedom, and a relationship with God through Christ Jesus by faith.

Today, I want to challenge you out of your infinite complacency and into a vibrant relationship with an infinitely complex God through His Son Jesus Christ.  This is living water from a well that will never run dry.  This is the infinite vibrancy out of the infinite complacency that you may be stuck in.
This is Jesus’ invitation to you – vibrancy is possible!

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