A New Beginning: A Blogging Comeback

About two years ago I ended my blogging journey; however, like the plot of a good TV movie, my blogging journey is having a comeback.  I have been reading and reflecting a lot lately about the state and future of the Church, and about life in general, and need a place to pen those thoughts in a more open and, as much as possible, conversational fashion.  Thus, I am resurrecting the Blog.  If you followed me before, I blogged under www.incipiosermo.com (Latin for “Beginning Conversation”).  This time I am going to make it easier on everyone, including myself, and go with something easier to remember: www.bryceashlinmayo.com.   I was smart enough when I ended my blog two years ago to archive it and consequently, I have all my old entries (minus some links and pictures).  I didn’t realize the importance of doing this but after having a nostalgic time reading through them, it is demonstrated how helpful it was to my thinking.

My comeback blog will be a collection of my thoughts, musing and reflections as well as a place to continue conversations about what I’ve been speaking and writing about.  I am looking forward to taking up the journey again.

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